International Journal of Sustainability 2023-10-04T11:16:05+03:00 Doç Dr. Gözde MERT Open Journal Systems <p>Uluslararası Sürdürülebilirlik Dergisi, sürdürülebilirlik kavramı çerçevesinde, literatüre yeni akademik çalışmalarla katkı vermeyi amaçlayan bir e-dergidir. Bu doğrultuda, 2022 yılında Uluslararası Sürdürülebilirlik Dergisi yayın hayatına başlamış, akademik ve öğretici çalışmalar aracılığıyla sürdürülebilirlik konusunda farkındalık oluşturmayı amaçlamıştır. Bu bağlamda, Uluslararası Sürdürülebilirlik Dergisi; yaşanabilir bir dünya için farkındalığın oluşmasına, bilgi ve tecrübelerin paylaşılmasına katkı sağlayacak bilimsel çalışmaları sunmayı hedeflemektedir.</p> <p>Dergimizde sürdürülebilirlik ile ilgili çalışma konuları kapsamında, özgün araştırma ve derleme çalışmaları yayımlanır. Dergimiz, yılda 2 sayı olarak çıkarılacaktır. Dergi, Türkçe ve İngilizce yayınları kabul etmektedir. Dergide, daha önce yayınlanmamış olan, “Bilim Kurulu” ve “Yayın Kurulu”nca uygun görülen orijinal çalışmalar yayımlanır. Bu kurulların, yazının mesajını değiştirmeyecek şekilde, her türlü düzeltme ve kısaltma yapma hakkı bulunur. Yazıların bilimsel, teknik ve hukuki sorumluluğu, yazarlarına aittir. Dergide yayınlanan yazıların yayın hakkı, Uluslararası Sürdürülebilirlik Dergisi’ne aittir. Bu anlamda, dergide yayınlanmış olan yazılar, değiştirilerek ya da aynen, yeniden başka bir ortamda yayınlanamaz. Yazarlara telif ücreti ödenmez. Ayrıca, yazarlardan herhangi bir ücret alınmaz. Makalelerde bulunan görseller, dergiye ait web sitesi ve sosyal medyada yer almış görselin sahibinin adı ile birlikte kullanılabilir.</p> The Evolution of International Airlines’ Financial Ratios With Topsis Methodology 2023-07-10T13:54:39+03:00 Selçuk GÜN Olcay Ölçen <p class="p1">In this study, the financial performances of the companies were analyzed with the TOPSIS method, using the financial statements of the 2011-2012 period, which were selected among the 10 airline companies in the ranking by Skytrax. First of all, financial ratios were calculated in order to reveal the financial strength of the enterprises, and then the calculated ratios; Converted to a single score showing overall company performance using the TOPSIS method. The calculated performance scores were used to rank the enterprises. As a result of the study, it has been determined that the performance scores of the companies operating in the aviation sector vary in general during the analysis period.</p> <p class="p1"><strong>Keywords: </strong>Aviation, Ratio Analysis, TOPSIS, Finance</p> 2023-10-04T00:00:00+03:00 Copyright (c) 2023 International Journal of Sustainability Fintech Innovation Management: International Comparative Türkiye Model 2023-07-10T13:49:54+03:00 Bilal Benna Haksal Mehmet Şahin GÖK <p class="p1">Finansal işlem ve hizmetlerin geçmişten bu yana geliştiği ve değişimler gösterdiği bilinmektedir. Belli dönemlerde gerçekleşen yenilikler sektörü de beraberinde değişime yöneltmektedir. Uluslararası işbirliklerinin beraberinde getirdiği mecburiyetler, devletlerin ihtiyaç duyduğu sermaye akışları, trendlerin sürekli değişiminin getirdiği dinamizm beraberinde finansal hizmetlerin teknoloji ile desteklenmesi ihtiyacını kaçınılmaz noktaya getirmiştir. Dünya genelinde bireylerin ihtiyaçları ve finansal taşıyıcıların faaliyetleri göz Fintek kavramının ortaya çıkmasında önemli bir etken olmuştur. Dünyada olduğu gibi Türkiye’de de Fintek önem verilen ve gelişmekte olan bir sektördür. Bu çalışma kapsamında Fintek kavramı altbaşlıkları ile birlikte incelenmiştir. Çalışma kapsamında öncelikle literatür taraması yapılarak fintek sektöründe geçmişten bugüne olan gelişim incelenmiştir. Elde edilen genel bulgulardan sonra Fintekin nereden gelip nasıl bir yönelim gösterdiğini ve günümüzde trendin nereye gittiğinin anlaşılması için dünyada Fintek sektöründe güçlü hale gelmiş 4 farklı bölge seçilmiş; seçilen bölgelerin hangi uygulamalarla başarılı olduğu tespit edilmiştir. Bu örneklerin Türkiye’de halihazırda yapılmakta olan çalışmalarla uyumluluğu ve bireylerin eğilimleri de göz önüne alınarak incelenmesi ile bir model önerisi üzerine çalışılmıştır.</p> 2023-10-04T00:00:00+03:00 Copyright (c) 2023 International Journal of Sustainability Examination of Energy Institutions in Turkey From Theoretical Perspective 2023-07-25T12:13:43+03:00 İsmaiI Kavaz Furkan DOĞAN <p class="p1">The concept of energy has an important place in terms of businesses and companies. Energy is an important factor that companies and factories use directly in their production facilities and processes. Goods and production equipment are an important resource used. Energy resources are commonly recyclable and non-recyclable resources. Non-recyclable energy sources are fossil fuel based. It is labeled as limited or unclean resources. Limited or non-recyclable energy sources are conventional energy sources known and known. Generally, conventional energy sources include petroleum, coal, natural gas derivatives. Recyclable energy sources are called consumed energy sources. It includes solar, water, wind, wave energy from renewable energy sources. It is called ecological and unlimited energy sources. This work permit is an important guide in the discovery of alternative new natural reserves, taking into account the goals and objectives of the existing energy institutions. Values related to internet web site addresses were used from these qualitative research techniques. The academic application made for the purpose of energy in Turkey constitutes the literature part of this study. The operators obtained in the study, based on the goals and objectives of the existing energy institutions, make recommendations to the energy actors on how the targeted energy institution and policies will be carried out.</p> 2023-10-04T00:00:00+03:00 Copyright (c) 2023 International Journal of Sustainability Sustainable Communication Skills of Sports Management Students Examination in Terms of Demographic Variables 2023-07-25T12:13:17+03:00 Ömer Yaman Meriç Esat Bebitoğlu <p class="p1">The aim of this research is to evaluate the perception of communication skills of students studying in the Sports Management Department of Physical Education and Sports Faculties and to investigate whether there is a significant difference in students’ communication skills according to gender, age, parental education level, and household monthly income level. A total of 287 students participated in the research, including 159 <span class="s8">females</span> <span class="s8">and</span> <span class="s8">128 males,</span> <span class="s8">who were</span> <span class="s8">studying in</span> <span class="s8">different classes</span> of the Sports Management Department of İstanbul Nişantaşı University, Faculty of Physical Education and Sports, during the 2022-2023 academic year. Descriptive and exploratory methods, aiming to <span class="s8">reveal</span> <span class="s8">the</span> <span class="s8">current</span> <span class="s8">situation, were</span> <span class="s8">used</span> <span class="s8">in</span> <span class="s8">the</span> <span class="s8">research. </span>In the first stage, relevant literature on the subject was reviewed, previous research findings were examined, and based on the obtained information, a detailed theoretical framework related to the topic of the thesis was prepared. In the second stage, data collection and analysis process were conducted <span class="s8">based</span> <span class="s8">on</span> <span class="s8">this</span> <span class="s8">theoretical</span> <span class="s8">framework.</span> In the research, the Communication Skills Inventory, a 45-item scale developed by Ersanlı and Balcı (1998), was used as the data collection tool. For the purpose of determining students’ demographic characteristics, a “Personal Information Form” prepared by the researcher was used. The evaluation of the obtained data was performed using the Statistical Package for the Social Sciences for Windows (SPSS) 29.0 software package. In the analysis and evaluations, number and percentage analyses were used to determine demographic characteristics, and Kruskall Wallis test and Mann-Whitney tests were utilized to derive statistical differences. As a result, based on the findings, it was determined that demographic variables such as age and household monthly income, among the students studying in the Department of Sports Management at the Faculty of Physical Education and Sports, created a significant difference in <span class="s8">communication</span> <span class="s8">skills</span> <span class="s8">at</span> <span class="s8">a</span> <span class="s8">statistical</span> level. However, it was found that gender and parental education level variables did not create a significant difference in students’ communication skills.</p> 2023-10-04T00:00:00+03:00 Copyright (c) 2023 International Journal of Sustainability The Relationship Between Psychological Empowerment and Employee Performance: A Study on the Aviation Sector 2023-09-13T12:36:20+03:00 FATİH MEHMET BULUT <p class="p1">Psychological empowerment has become an important tool in meeting the needs of employees with creative, innovative, and flexible attributes in recent years. In this study, the relationship between psychological empowerment and employee performance was examined, and how demographic characteristics differ for both variables was statistically analyzed. A survey conducted on 385 employees of one of the leading companies in the aviation sector in Turkey formed the data for this research. Hypotheses were subjected to analysis through t-tests and correlation tests, and the findings were interpreted in terms of the potential of psychological empowerment to enhance employee performance. The results obtained from the analyses conducted in the scope of this study indicate that psychological empowerment contributes positively to employee performance.</p> 2023-10-04T00:00:00+03:00 Copyright (c) 2023 International Journal of Sustainability The Relationship Between Psychological Empowerment and Employee Performance: A Study on the Aviation Sector 2023-07-30T13:56:58+03:00 erdem can Ahmet Aydın <p class="p1">In the present day, the organic food market is rapidly growing, and consumers are increasingly preferring organic food products. This study investigates the influence of organic food purchasing trends on brand loyalty. The research contributes to understanding the behaviors, purchase decisions, and attitudes of organic food consumers towards brand loyalty. The study’s findings demonstrate that demographic factors significantly affect consumers’ loyalty to organic food brands. While gender, education level, and age groups have a notable impact on organic food purchases, income level and marital status do not show significant influence. Businesses in the organic food sector can gain valuable insights into their target audience and develop effective marketing strategies by understanding which age groups, education levels, income levels, marital statuses, etc., are more inclined to prefer specific organic food brands. For instance, based on the findings of this study, organic food brands can tailor more specific marketing strategies towards men and certain education and age groups. However, it is essential to note that this study solely focuses on the impact of specific demographic characteristics on organic food purchase attitudes, and it overlooks other potential factors (such as environmental consciousness, health awareness, price sensitivity, etc.) that may influence these attitudes. Therefore, future research could consider examining the role of other factors in brand preferences to gain a more comprehensive understanding of organic food purchase attitudes and brand loyalty. Additionally, it should be acknowledged that the study’s results are based on survey data conducted in a specific geographical region and cultural context. Thus, further research is needed to draw general conclusions. Organic food purchase attitudes and brand loyalty may vary among different regions or cultural groups. Conducting similar studies in broader and diverse regions or cultural groups could support and enhance the findings of this study and contribute to a better understanding of the subject’s significance.</p> 2023-10-04T00:00:00+03:00 Copyright (c) 2023 International Journal of Sustainability The Relationship of Overtıme in Software Projects With the Qualıity of Work Output 2023-08-03T13:20:31+03:00 Ahmet AYDIN Uğur KAYA Gökhan DEMİRAY Sefa CEYHAN <p class="p1">Fazla mesai, birçok sektördeki faaliyetlerin bitirilmesine yönelik olduğu gibi yazılım projelerinin de öngörülen zamandan daha erken bitirilebilmesi veya kapsam değişikliği, kaynak yetersizliği, yönetim eksikliği gibi nedenlerden dolayı projelerde yaşanan gecikmelerin telafi edilebilmesi için sıklıkla başvurulan bir yöntemdir. Fazla mesai, uygulanması esnasında dışa bağımlılığın daha az olması nedeniyle sıklıkla başvurulan yöntemler arasındadır. Yazılım şirketlerinde proje ekibine fazla mesai yaptırılarak daha çok işin tamamlanabileceği ve projenin bitimi için daha hızlı yol alınabileceği düşünülür. Bu düşünceye rağmen fazla mesainin uygulanması sonucunda hedeflenen sonuçlara ulaşılamama durumu söz konusu olabilmektedir. Fazla mesainin doğru ve dengeli biçimde planlanarak uygulanamaması sonucunda çalışanların beden ve ruh sağlıklarının olumsuz biçimde etkilenebilmesi söz konusudur. Çalışanlarda farklı biçimde ve düzeyde fiziksel sorunlar, algılama, dikkat ve anlayabilme yetilerinde azalma gibi sorunların ortaya çıkmasına karşın planlı, dengeli ve işletme ile çalışanların kapasitesine uygun biçimde planlanan/uygulanan fazla mesai, kaliteden ödün verilmeden iş çıktılarının miktarının artırılmasına katkı sağlayabilir. Bilişim sektöründe yer alan işletmeler ve çalışanlar için de durum farklı değildir. Özellikle mental ve düşünsel açıdan yorucu olan yazılım projelerinde, işlerin yetiştirilebilmesi adına yaptırılacak plansız ve sürekli fazla mesai, çalışanların verimliliği ve iş çıktılarındaki kalite üzerinde olumsuz sonuçlar ortaya çıkarabilir. Daha önce yapılan çalışmalar, fazla mesainin yazılım projeleri üzerinde olumlu ve olumsuz yönlerini, anket yöntemi ile ortaya çıkarmıştır. Ulusal literatürde, alanda yapılan çalışmaların verimlilik ve proje yönetimi kapsamında ele alındığı görüldüğünden bu çalışmada diğerlerinden farklı olarak fazla mesainin iş çıktı kalitesine etkisi ortaya konmaya çalışılmıştır. Çalışmada, 5 farklı sektörden toplamda 10 yazılım proje ekibinin iş çıktıları doğal gözlem yöntemi ile gözlemlenerek fazla mesainin, iş çıktı kalitesi ile ilişkisi ve etkisi incelenmiştir. Literatürde, yazılım şirketlerinde fazla mesainin iş çıktı kalitesi ile ilişkisi doğrultusunda kaliteye olan etkisini araştırmaya yönelik araştırmaların çok kısıtlı olmasından dolayı, çalışmanın bu açığı doldurmaya yönelik fayda sağlayacağı düşünülmektedir.</p> 2023-10-04T00:00:00+03:00 Copyright (c) 2023 International Journal of Sustainability The Relationship of Organizational Identification and Organizational Commitment with Counterproductive Behaviors 2023-08-12T21:35:16+03:00 Zeki Çetin <p class="p1">Counterproductive work behaviors, which encompass a variety of actions such as absenteeism, chronic tardiness, incivility, deviant behavior, and theft, take various external forms but share the common characteristic of impeding the harmonious organization of organizational processes. These behaviors have consequences ranging from exacerbating interpersonal conflicts and fostering a climate of distrust, to significantly reduced productivity, increased attrition rates, and a negative impact on the organization’s reputation and finances. Considering these damages, it is necessary to identify the individual and organizational factors that prevent counterproductive behaviors and to develop policies to improve these factors. In this context, the present study aims to determine the effects of organizational identification and organizational commitment on counterproductive work behaviors. Self-report scales were applied to 380 employees and the results were evaluated using SPSS 26.00. The results revealed that both organizational identification and all three factors of organizational commitment (affective commitment, continuance commitment and normative commitment) reduce counterproductive work behaviors. Organizations should use multifaceted strategies that synergistically harness the power of organizational identification and commitment to reduce counterproductive work behaviors.</p> 2023-10-04T00:00:00+03:00 Copyright (c) 2023 International Journal of Sustainability A Study on the Motivation Perception of Health Personnel: The Example of a City Hospital 2023-08-11T14:22:12+03:00 Ali Özcan Firdevs Tat Dalmaç Ahmet Erkasap <p class="p1">The aim of this research is to examine the motivation perception of health personnel. Descriptive survey model was used in the research. Within the scope of descriptive survey model, a survey study was conducted on health workers. The population of the research consists of health personnel working in a City Hospital operating in Istanbul. In the study, 300 health personnel were reached within the scope of convenience sampling method. A questionnaire form was used to collect data in the study. The questionnaire form consists of questions about demographic characteristics and Motivation Scale. SPSS 21 package program was used in the analysis of the data in the research. Descriptive statistics for the perception of motivation were examined. According to the test results, the mean score of the perception of intrinsic motivation was determined as 4.06±0.56, the perception of extrinsic motivation was 3.09±0.70, and the total perception of motivation was 3.57±0.57. According to the test results, the perception of intrinsic motivation is higher than the perception of extrinsic motivation. Individuals aged 56 and over have the highest perception of motivation, while individuals aged 20-35 have the lowest perception of motivation. While the motivation perceptions of nurses and health personnel are the lowest, the motivation perceptions of doctors, administrative staff and technical personnel are high. It has been determined that individuals who have been working in the institution for 21 years or more have the highest motivation perception. It has been determined that individuals who have been working in the profession for 21 years or more have the highest motivation perception.</p> 2023-10-04T00:00:00+03:00 Copyright (c) 2023 International Journal of Sustainability The Post-Implementation Effects of Aan Identity Management Platform on Risk and Regulatory Compliance 2023-07-30T13:54:41+03:00 Yeşim Ülgen Sönmez Wayne A. Szot <p class="p1">Why should a company focus on Identity Management? The risks of not doing so are great and many compa-nies do not realize the amount of benefit that can be achieved from doing do. This study attempts to quantity and measure how much benefit can be had by committing to a proper Identity Management platform and solu-tion to give confidence and arm the Information Security department with data to present when it comes time for funding decisions.</p> 2023-10-04T00:00:00+03:00 Copyright (c) 2023 International Journal of Sustainability