A Study on the Role of Teachers and Parents in Making Students' Talent Management Sustainable, Starting from the Primary Education Age

Sustainable talent management





education, elementary, sustainability, talent management


Especially for developing countries, it is important for human resources to reach high-quality education, as well as to direct the existing or later developed talents of the individuals in the right direction, in terms of efficiency of the country's resources and the increase in added value with productivity. Turkish cultural phrase 'the tree bends when it is wet' points to the importance of performing talent management from the earliest possible age, starting from primary school age.

In the literature, several scientific studies on talent management are obtained to allow career development in the public and private sectors and some of these studies are related to the talent management of educators in educational institutions. The purpose of this study is to contribute to the determination, orientation, and management of the talents of students starting from the primary school ages. Within the scope of the study, a focus group study was conducted. It is expected that this study, which was made by taking the opinions of families, teachers, and school administrators, will contribute to the literature and the world of education in terms of providing talent management for students.


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How to Cite

Bebitoğlu, M. E., & Erdoğan, M. (2023). A Study on the Role of Teachers and Parents in Making Students’ Talent Management Sustainable, Starting from the Primary Education Age: Sustainable talent management. International Journal of Sustainability, 1(1), 5–26. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.7779043


