Medicinal or Aromatic use of Vegetable Oil
labor relations, worker, employer, collective bargaining agreement, labor unionAbstract
Mankind, who continued to exist in the world with nature until the last century, sought and
found the cure for diseases in nature. Although synthetic and chemical drugs have become
dominant in the last century, the use of medicinal plants has started to increase again as a result of
their side effects. Plants used in the treatment of diseases are generally referred to as medicinal and
aromatic plants because they are fragrant. Those used directly in drug production are classified
as pharmaceutical plants, and those used in cosmetics, perfumery and food industry due to their
odor and taste characteristics are classified as aromatic plants. On the other hand, vegetable oils
obtained from the oil seeds or fruits of plants in nature are used in the treatment of diseases as well
as strengthening the immune system, as they have rich antioxidant properties due to high vitamin
E, polyunsaturated fatty acids and phenolic compounds they contain. Vegetable oils, which have
versatile uses, are an important source of raw materials in the pharmaceutical and cosmetic industry
as well as being a nutrient. In addition, vegetable oils and essential fatty acid compositions are
preferred because of their distinctive sensory performance and therapeutic properties as well as
their aromatic properties. Taste and odor are key factors for unrefined oils, where nutritional
values and aroma properties are important. Hundreds of volatile compounds were identified and
classified as a result of the analysis of volatile compounds, as well as the determination of aroma
properties and basic aroma compounds. In addition, research on the separation and identification
of important odoriferous substances or aroma-active compounds in addition to volatile substances
continues with each passing day.
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