Quantum Leadership, the Key to Organizational Sustainability: Systematic Literature Review and Conceptual Model Proposal
Sürdürülebilirlik, örgütsel sürdürülebilirlik,, kuantum liderlik, değerler, adaptasyonAbstract
There are many dynamics based on environmental factors such as climate change, earthquakes, depletion of water resources, epidemics, economic factors such as poverty, unemployment, and other social factors such as gender or ethnicity discrimination, etc., which are experienced in today's world and may have increasingly negative consequences for future generations. To overcome these problematic dynamics, sustainability emerged in the late twentieth century as a concept that is expected to positively affect practical processes. Since the essence of this struggle is the idea of managing the scarce resources in the world by using them effectively and efficiently, a leadership approach that includes stakeholders, organizations, societies, and governments has now become an inevitable element. Sustainability must focus urgently and practically on sustaining the existence of not only today's society but also future generations, involving the environment, society, and organizational stakeholders. There is a need for leaders who will motivate their followers by finding solutions to these problems faced by societies and ensuring social stability. On this
basis, it can be emphasized that system thinking, cooperation, and adaptation factors are the basic building blocks of quantum leadership as the key to sustainability. According to the quantum understanding, societies do not consist of separate parts independent of each other, but rather systems in which these parts come together and affect each other. Quantum science offers a participatory universe based on values as its building blocks. Quantum leadership, shaped by the features of this new science, actually coincides with the aims of the sustainability approach. In this review study, comprehensive research on quantum leadership qualities was conducted using secondary data sources and the PRISMA method. The main effects of quantum leadership on social and organizational sustainability have been discussed by creating a model that is conceptually comprehensive and can make practical contributions. This study offers theoretical and practical contributions.
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