Quality of education, Job satisfaction, high school teachers, Organizational cultureAbstract
It aims to examine the relationship between high school teachers' job satisfaction and organizational culture. While job satisfaction expresses the level of satisfaction individuals feel in the work environment, organizational culture is the set of common behaviors and attitudes that include the values, norms and beliefs of an institution. Job satisfaction of teachers is of critical importance in terms of increasing the quality of education and maintaining the teaching process efficiently. In this context, organizational culture is also an important factor affecting teachers' job satisfaction. It has been found that teachers working in schools with a strong organizational culture have higher job satisfaction levels. In particular, open communication, cooperation, supportive management style and positive work environment have been identified as important factors that increase teachers' job satisfaction. However, it has been observed that teachers' job satisfaction is affected not only by individual elements of organizational culture but also by institutional structure and processes. The findings obtained in the research were brought to the attention of school administrators and education policy makers. Educational institutions need to create a strong and supportive organizational culture in order to increase teachers' job satisfaction. In this regard, it was emphasized that teachers' professional development should be given importance, they should be included in decision-making processes and their motivation should be increased. This study, which is a guide for educational administrators and policy makers, also forms the basis for future research.
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