The Relationship of Organizational Identification and Organizational Commitment with Counterproductive Behaviors
Organizational identification, organizational commitment, counterproductive work behaviorsAbstract
Counterproductive work behaviors, which encompass a variety of actions such as absenteeism, chronic tardiness, incivility, deviant behavior, and theft, take various external forms but share the common characteristic of impeding the harmonious organization of organizational processes. These behaviors have consequences ranging from exacerbating interpersonal conflicts and fostering a climate of distrust, to significantly reduced productivity, increased attrition rates, and a negative impact on the organization’s reputation and finances. Considering these damages, it is necessary to identify the individual and organizational factors that prevent counterproductive behaviors and to develop policies to improve these factors. In this context, the present study aims to determine the effects of organizational identification and organizational commitment on counterproductive work behaviors. Self-report scales were applied to 380 employees and the results were evaluated using SPSS 26.00. The results revealed that both organizational identification and all three factors of organizational commitment (affective commitment, continuance commitment and normative commitment) reduce counterproductive work behaviors. Organizations should use multifaceted strategies that synergistically harness the power of organizational identification and commitment to reduce counterproductive work behaviors.
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