A Study on the Motivation Perception of Health Personnel: The Example of a City Hospital
City Hospital, Motivation, Health EmployeeAbstract
The aim of this research is to examine the motivation perception of health personnel. Descriptive survey model was used in the research. Within the scope of descriptive survey model, a survey study was conducted on health workers. The population of the research consists of health personnel working in a City Hospital operating in Istanbul. In the study, 300 health personnel were reached within the scope of convenience sampling method. A questionnaire form was used to collect data in the study. The questionnaire form consists of questions about demographic characteristics and Motivation Scale. SPSS 21 package program was used in the analysis of the data in the research. Descriptive statistics for the perception of motivation were examined. According to the test results, the mean score of the perception of intrinsic motivation was determined as 4.06±0.56, the perception of extrinsic motivation was 3.09±0.70, and the total perception of motivation was 3.57±0.57. According to the test results, the perception of intrinsic motivation is higher than the perception of extrinsic motivation. Individuals aged 56 and over have the highest perception of motivation, while individuals aged 20-35 have the lowest perception of motivation. While the motivation perceptions of nurses and health personnel are the lowest, the motivation perceptions of doctors, administrative staff and technical personnel are high. It has been determined that individuals who have been working in the institution for 21 years or more have the highest motivation perception. It has been determined that individuals who have been working in the profession for 21 years or more have the highest motivation perception.
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