Risk Structuring Of Quality Assurance System In Higher Education: A Foundation University Case
Quality, Risk Management, Quality Assurance System, Higher EducationAbstract
Today, competitive and target-oriented studies seem to have come to the fore in all business areas. One of the most important conditions in achieving these goals is to place the understanding of quality within the institution and to share this understanding of quality with both internal and external stakeholders. There are many definitions of what quality is, which is the basis of the understanding of quality, and it changes depending on time. The most common definition of quality is satisfaction with a product or service. Quality has different meanings depending on the focus. Although Quality Management, Quality Control, Quality Improvement and Quality Assurance are used in the same sense, they have different usage areas. Quality assurance in higher education is to ensure that the research, teaching, education, social process activities and administrative activities of the higher education institution are evaluated systematically, comprehensively and regularly, and to avoid negative developments. In the part of avoiding negative developments, it includes determining the risks of the institution, reviewing it periodically and renewing it according to the results. In other words, risk structuring is the monitoring of possible risks according to their importance and impact. It is expected that the risk is examined and predicted in each link of the related workflows of the key performance indicators established within the quality assurance system in higher education. This review, rather than being just a prediction, ensures that the risk management is carried out systematically and regularly by ordering and reviewing the measures according to the effect and importance level of each identified risk item. In this study, the quality assurance system will be emphasized and in addition to the importance of determining the risk factors, how the risks are determined and how they are managed will be discussed in the process of the newly established quality assurance system studies at a foundation university. It is thought that the study will guide other higher education institutions based on the information obtained as a result of the controls and studies on the risks within the quality assurance system processes. Other higher education institutions will be able to establish their own Enterprise Risk Management Systems with the examples to be presented as a result of the study and the applications made in the process.
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